don't worry, we can make a plan

don't worry, we can make a plan

Saturday 12 June 2010

Random Anecdotes

[17th May - 23rd May 2010]

- I had my first technological nightmare this week iDART, our pharmacy dispensing software, [i.e. the program I rely on for EVERYTHING] broke. I wanted to cry – if iDart or the laptop stops working, I'm not really sure what I'd do!Then the tablet label printer was jammed and the main computer just kept on restarting itself – the three broken machines were all lined up on the desk like some sad parade designed to ruin my day. Anyway, I phoned up the computer geniuses in Cape Town and after six hours of phone calls over two days and this cool thing where they controlled the laptop over the internet, iDart was fixed. Sadly, despite also unjamming the label printer, the main computer is still enjoying an endless cycle of turning on and off so we are writing all our labels by hand...
Techical fail

- We had another pizza night for Kate's birthday, once again filling up a giant table at Papazela's. Nomonde even made her a cake, good times!


- I came home from cell group on Wednesday to find Sam had made banana bread. However, turns out it wasn't as good as it sounded when Sam said, 'I made some banana bread but I accidentally cracked a rotten egg into the mixture, but then I cooked it anyway...' Now that's real Transkei baking :)
Why we love Sam!

- After working late on Thursday night, I stayed over at Liz and Lisa's. They said they had a toothbrush for me since I was there so much – turns out it was one of mine, left there from the time when Sam and I moved in. They, however, didn't know that, and were just going to give me a random toothbrush they'd found! Gooooooood times!

- I worked all Friday afternoon until there was a powercut and I had to fumble my way out of the pharmacy/bat cave in complete darkness. The generator had stopped working again so OPD was pitch black meaning that Jo [who was on call] was seeing patients by the light of her mobile phone! I fortunately had the pharmacy laptop with me so used it as a slightly more effective light – one poor woman came in looking awful and was diagnosed with meningitis in the dim glow of the screen: another epic win for rural medicine!
NB: I WILL catch up this blog soon!!!

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