don't worry, we can make a plan

don't worry, we can make a plan

Thursday 8 July 2010

Youth Day [or some random public holiday]

The 16th of June was yet another public holiday [good times all round] so we had Wednesday off, yay! Sadly, Sam and I had to work as we were taking the next week off so we both headed into the pharmacy to get everything done as soon as possible. Even though the hospital was technically closed like at the weekends, there seemed to be a never ending array of patients and I ended up not helping Sam and at all as I spent my whole morning running the pharmacy like a normal day.

Sam and I went down to see Liz and Angela [a doctor who regularly makes the epic road trip to Zithulele to escape life in {Sc}Umtata] had come down for the day so we had an entertaining afternoon relaxing at home :) The highlight was probably a very serious game of Pass The Pigs, the basic principle of which is that you throw tiny plastic pigs in the air and get points depending on how they land. As you can tell, it requires an extreme level of skill and brain power so was perfect for the high level of intellect of the players....Either way, it got rather heated when the crucial final point appeared to be a 'Making Bacon' [or some other cheesy name for the way the pigs landed that meant you lost all your points] which resulted in Liz lying on the ground to examine the exact position of a tiny plastic pig...

Liz judging the final point

Aaaanyway, then we watched Life is Beautiful, a film about the Holocaust which actually manages to be quite cheery (except at the end). A group of people from a church in Cape Town had come up to Zithulele on some kind of mission trip so we had a giant congregation of people at cell group and crowded out the entire living room at the Gaunts. However, we had to stick to a strict time schedule in order to go and watch the football [so the World Cup is having an impact in more ways than one!]. Sam and I went up to watch England's opening game in OPD but it wasn't as exciting as the Bafana game without everyone going so crazy for it. Plus, we didn't play so well so it was not promising for the rest of the tournament!

And that was the end of Youth Day and yet another highly exciting blog post [not:)]


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